Vivegam Godfrey Day Care Center Children and Old Age Persons Program

Vivegam Godfrey Day Care Center Children  and Old Age Persons Program
Day Care Center

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Celebration 2014

This year's Easter was very special for our VGF children, because the three volunteer girls from Germany prepared some special Easter activities, according to the Easter custom in their homes.

After church on Easter Sunday, the children came to the Day Care Centre and together with their three 'big sisters', who had worked almost all night on preparing the Easter baskets for each child, they painted their Easter egg. We had beautiful results! Even thought painting eggs was new for the children, they were so creative and put a lot of effort in their work, so that each result was like a little piece of art in itself. During the time the colour needed to dry, we played small games like Fruit Salad, Poor Black Cat and our very own version of My Right, Right Seat Is Free. They children were all very excited but that way we kept them busy, even during the baskets were hidden all over the campus. We chose some very tough places and some easier levels. When the start signal was given, the children literally jumped out of the hall and rushed to search for their basket.
We were surprised that in a short time even our best hiding places were discovered.
The children were so happy and all of this was so new for them. They even got some German sweets and special food.

Here are some more pictures of the celebration!
God bless you.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Well Work

Last week I was able to see the work they do at our and our neighbours well. I was shocked to see how serious the situation is at the moment. It is almost completely dried out! About five men got down to the ground of the well and started digging and all the soil was transported manually to the surface. My job was to switch on the motor when they digged out water, so the water could be pumped from the well. The situation is desperate. The project ugently needs an independent well to provide their children with water!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Being underground

Last Thursday works on the well, which provides our project and the surrounding fields with water, had been start. Yet in the morning some of our courageous senior boys helped to remove the palm leaves which blocked the pump within the well.

In the afternoon the professionals made their appearance. Specialized workers started to dig within the well to reach subjacent water resources. This has become necessary for the rain in winter was not sufficient and since then dry period has been continuing.

The workers and their equipment had been rappeled into the well. After they had reached the ground they filled the buckets with mud and stones. Other workers pulled the buckets out of the well. Melvin, the son our project leader, went down into the deep of the earth too... and safely returnd to daylight later.

Sure, these works keep to be dangerous. The workers need to have a high degree of trust in God and his protection. So let us stay in prayer and beg for their safety and for the success of digging works.

It's just one very little step to solve the water problems and a lot of support still will be needed. But with your prayers and help it surely will be possible!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Urgent requirement for VGF

(Siehe unten für die deutsche Version)
This year the drought is very intense and since New Years Eve there has been only one shower of rain. The cultivators already struggle with the watering of their plants and if the temperatures won't change soon, there will be a serious problem with the drinking water supply for Danishpet and the nearby villages. The well from which we draw our water for the Day care centres household up to now (see picture), together with our neighbours, has dried out to an alarming level and the chance to get cooler weather and rain is only given in July.
So the project is at stake to suffer from shortage in drinking water soon.
Since many years the founder of the project, Edwin Prabu Kumar plans to establish a self-sufficient and independent water supply of the day care centre, and facing the water shortage this summer the plan urgently has to become reality. A bore well should be build on the campus, which is a tremendously valuable investment for the future of VGF and its children.

As a non-profit organisation, though, we don't really have the financial means to make a step like this and that is why we are desperately depending on YOUR support!
Alltogether the intend will cost us more than 1800 Euros. It includes the drilling, the motor with pipe, pump controller, water tank and labour cost.
 Please support us with a little easter donation for the wellbeing of our children and the sustain of the project!
God bless you, thanks.

Sponsors/Donors in India can deposit contributions
to our Bank account given below.
Bank: Account Nr:. 31191112580
State Bank of India, Omalur,
IFSC Code: SBIN0001030

      (Motoren)                                  (Pump controller)

Dieses Jahr ist die Dürrephase sehr intensiv: seit Neujahr gab es nur einen einzigen Regenschauer.Die Landwirte sind sehr besorgt und haben mit der Bewässerung der Pflanzen zu kämpfen. Wenn die Temperaturen nicht bald sinken, dann wird Danishpet wie die umliegenden Dörfern ein ernstes Problem mit der Trinkwasserversorgung erwarten. Der Grundwasserbrunnen, von dem der Haushalt des Day care centres momentan sein Wasser zusamen mit allen Nachbarn bezieht, ist zu einem alamierenden Level ausgetrocknet und eine Chance auf kühleres Wetter und Regenschauer ist erst ab Juli wieder gegeben.
Also ist läuft das Projekt momentan Gefahr bald an Trinkwassermangel zu leiden.
Schon seit vielen Jahren plant der Projektleiter Edwin Prabu Kumar die Trinkwasserversorgung des Projektes autark und unabhängig zu machen und das soll jetzt, angesichts der Notsituation in Form eines projekteigenen Bohrbrunnens geschehen. Dies ist eine extrem wertvolle und essentielle Inverstition für die Zukunft von VGF und seinen Kindern.

Als Non-profit-Organisation stehen uns allerdings die finanziellen Mittel für ein solches Vorhaben nicht wirklich zur Verfügung, weshalb wir absolut auf EURE Unterstützung angewiesen sind!
Insgesamt wird uns der Bohrbrunnen mehr als 1800 Euro kosten. Das beinhaltet die Bohrung an sich, den Motor mit Schlauch, Pumpe, einen Wassertank und den Arbeitslohn.
Bitte unterstützt uns mit einer kleinen Osterspende zum Wohl unserer Kinder und dem Erhalt des Projektes!
Gottes Segen und vielen Dank.

Deutsche Spender können auf das Bankkonto unserer deutschen Partnerorganisation True Way Trust überweisen um Überweisungsgebühren zu vermeiden.

Bank: KD-Bank (Die Bank für Kirche und Diakonie),
BLZ- 35060190, Konto- 1600018015
IBAN DE16350601901600018015